Glossary  >  Millimeter Wave Frequencies

Millimeter Wave Frequencies


Millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies refer to radio signals with wavelengths between 1 and 10 millimeters, typically within the 30 GHz to 300 GHz range of the electromagnetic spectrum, designated as the Extremely High Frequency (EHF) band by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

ITU radio frequency band designations

ITU radio frequency band designations

At these frequencies, radio signals attenuate more quickly with distance from the source, making directional antennas more effective. Despite rapid attenuation, mmWave frequencies allow for the reuse of frequencies over short distances, supporting high-density transmitter deployments (beamforming).

Applications of mmWave frequencies include aerospace radar technology for object distance and velocity measurements, and security scanners that provide high-precision scans using 70 GHz to 80 GHz frequency bands, emitting about 1 mW of power.

The most notable application is in communications, specifically in the deployment of 5G technology, where mmWave enables low latency, spatial reuse, and multi-antenna beamforming, facilitating high-bandwidth speeds.

Boost Your 5G Reception on the Go

Example of Millimeter Wave Frequencies in a sentence:

"Millimeter wave frequencies have low latency, which makes them ideal for applications requiring high bandwidth."

Synonyms: mmWave

Related Terms for Millimeter Wave Frequencies: